Welcome alumni

Ways to connect

Stay connected

Please complete the following fields to ensure we have your correct information in our alumni database.

We look forward to seeing you at upcoming activities and sharing the latest Research College of Nursing news. #GoRCoN

All fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

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Preferred Contact Method

Alumni spotlight

Each month we feature a new alumni story on the RCoN blog. You could be next!

Tell us about what you've been up to after Research College of Nursing.

If you'd like us to share your photo(s) (i.e., a current headshot, in school memory, an achievement, etc.) you can send a picture via email.

Become a class ambassador

It's our goal to help meaningfully engage classmates with one another and with Research College of Nursing.

Have you stayed connected with your peers over the years? We are looking for several Class Ambassadors like you to assist with communicating events and outreach to classmates.

Are you interested in becoming a Class Ambassador to strengthen alumni connections?