Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates integrity and commitment to professional nursing standards. Dishonesty and disrespect will not be tolerated. Violations of student conduct are classified as serious and critical.
Serious Offenses
Serious offenses are violations of College values and/or policy.
Examples of serious offenses may include, but are not limited to:
- Violation of Academic Honesty Policy
- Filming, recording, or photographing at a clinical site
- Violation of Clinical Policy
- Violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Disruptive classroom behavior
Critical Offenses
Critical offenses are egregious violations of College values and/or policy.
Examples of critical offenses may include, but are not limited to:
- Willfully or recklessly endangering the physical or mental health of any person
- Possession of weapons, firearms, or explosives on the College or clinical sites premises
- Possession of illegal drugs or an open container of an alcoholic beverage on the College or clinical site premises
- Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
- Vulgar, demeaning, or offensive language
- Conviction of a felony, including a nolo contendere plea
Disciplinary Actions
Serious Offense
1st Offense: Academic Plan for Success
2nd Offense: Student may be suspended up to three (3) days. During the suspension period, students shall be prohibited from participating in classroom, laboratory, clinical, and school-related activities, and will be marked absent from all scheduled classes. May result in dismissal from the College.
3rd Offense: Dismissal from the College.
Critical Offense
1st Offense: Student will be suspended for three (3) days. During the suspension period, students shall be prohibited from participating in classroom, laboratory, clinical, and school-related activities, and will be marked absent from all scheduled classes. May result in dismissal from the College.
2nd Offense: Dismissal from the College.
Any behavior that unreasonably interferes with patient safety is grounds for immediate dismissal.
VAWA Compliance
This policy complies with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). For more information regarding VAWA and the resources available for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, please refer to the Annual Security Report.