Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates integrity and commitment to professional nursing standards.

Violations of student conduct are classified as serious and critical.

Serious Offenses

Serious offenses are violations of College values and/or policy.

Examples of serious offenses may include, but are not limited to:

  • Violation of Academic Honesty Policy
  • Filming, recording, or photographing at a clinical site
  • Non-compliance with Clinical/Practicum Requirements
  • Violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Critical Offenses

Critical offenses are egregious violations of College values and/or policy.

Examples of critical offenses may include, but are not limited to:

  • Willfully or recklessly endangering the physical or mental health of any person
  • Possession of weapons, firearms, or explosives on the College or clinical sites premises
  • Possession of illegal drugs or an open container of an alcoholic beverage on the College or clinical site premises
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while on the College or clinical site premises
  • Vulgar, demeaning, or offensive language
  • Conviction of a felony, including a nolo contendere plea

Disciplinary Actions

Serious Offense

1st Offense: Written reprimand

2nd Offense: Student may be suspended up to three (3) days. During the suspension period, students shall be prohibited from participating in classroom, laboratory, clinical, and school-related activities, and will be marked absent from all scheduled classes. May result in dismissal from the College.

3rd Offense: Dismissal from the College.

Critical Offense

1st Offense: Student will be suspended for three (3) days. During the suspension period, students shall be prohibited from participating in classroom, laboratory, clinical, and school-related activities, and will be marked absent from all scheduled classes. May result in dismissal from the College.

2nd Offense: Dismissal from the College.

Any behavior that unreasonably interferes with patient safety is grounds for immediate dismissal.