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Academic Advising
Upon enrollment in the first nursing course, students are assigned a College faculty advisor. At a minimum, advisors meet with advisees at orientation and each semester/term prior to registration to discuss academic progression, academic/goals, College resources, and personal concerns
Bias Reporting
If you have experienced an act which you believe discriminates, stereotypes, harasses, or excludes anyone based on a part of their identity, you may report the incident to the HCA Ethics Line or web portal. As the reporter, you may choose to remain anonymous. To report an incident by phone, use (800) 455-1996. This line is answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
To report online, use the web portal.
The College communicates using US Postal Service, College email, Learning Management Systems, and an electronic signature software.
Copy Machines
Copy machines are in the lower level of the 2525 Building and in the Student Success Center.
Counseling Services
The College provides access for students to WellConnect, a program designed to help students manage and improve their mental health. Students may seek counseling services at the WellConnect for You website or (866) 640-4777, code = RCON-STU
Liability Insurance
The College carries general and professional liability coverage for students through Health Care Indemnity, Inc. This coverage insures students in their capacity as student nurses.
The online HCA Healthcare Library contains:
- Over 7400 full-text e-journals and 2200 e-books
- A customized HCA PubMed portal
- Quick links to popular clinical resources like Up-To-Date
- Advanced search and save features
For off-network access, simply use the same link and enter your 3-4 ID and network password.
Learning Skills Lab
The Learning Skills Lab (LSL) consists of labs providing coordinated learning activities for students. While in the LSL, the following policies must be followed:
- All used needles and glass are to be deposited in clearly marked red contamination sharps boxes available in the LSL.
- Needles are not permitted to leave the LSL.
- Children are not permitted to be in the LSL, unless part of a planned educational event.
- Only manufacturer recommended lubricant (labeled spray bottle) should be used on mannequins.
- Equipment is available for practicing nursing procedures. Contact the LSL Coordinator for use of additional supplies or equipment.
- Invasive procedures (IV start, injections) can only be performed on designated practice equipment (IV practice arms, injection pads). Students cannot practice on themselves and/or each other.
Simulation Center
The Simulation Center is located in the lower level of the College’s 2525 building. The facility includes classroom and meeting space, simulation labs, and lounge area. All simulation rooms are equipped with cameras and microphones to allow for recording of simulations. Through a two-way mirror, faculty and staff in the control room manage the simulator’s health status and voice, as well as video recording.
Student Organizations
Nurses of Faith
Nurses of Faith is an organization that meets in a small group setting to discuss intersections of faith and nursing. This group is open to all people interested in discussing topics, no matter their faith background. All are welcome. This organization is led by a faculty advisor.
Research Student Nurses’ Association (RSNA)
The Research Student Nurses’ Association is a constituent of the Missouri Nursing Students’ Association (MoNSA) and the National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA).
Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI)
Sigma Theta Tau International is the honor society for nursing. STTI is committed to celebrating the profession of nursing by creating more opportunities for engagement, collaboration, and service. The College’s chapter of STTI is Upsilon Tau. Membership for students is by invitation based on completion of one half of the nursing curriculum, cumulative RCoN GPA of at least 3.0, rank in the top 35% of the cohort, and academic integrity.
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center provides resources for academic success including academic skills coaching, subject-based tutoring, writing assistance, and access to College laptops and printers. Non-academic support services include the RCoN Scrubs Bank and non-perishable Goods Bank.
Student Use of Course Materials and Recording in the Learning Environment Policy
The College prohibits students from creating a recording in the learning environment unless that student has obtained prior written permission from the instructor. The College also prohibits students from using course materials in a way that violates this policy.
In keeping with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, a student with a disability may be preapproved by the ADA Coordinator for reasonable accommodations involving recording in the classroom and/or use of course materials in a particular manner. In such situations, a faculty member does not have discretion to prevent a student from utilizing the accommodations.